美國俄亥俄州州立大學 賴添煌 教授 專題演講(7/06) 

  • 2017-07-03
  • 資訊處管理者(勿異動)


7/06()     13:30-15:30




賴添煌 教授


A Brief Story of Computing on Private Data


Abstract:  This talk consists of two parts.  The first part is an introduction to a recent breakthrough in cryptography --- Craig Gentry’s fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) --- which is interesting, inspiring, and considered by many as a holy grail of cryptography.  FHE enables clouds to process users private data in an encrypted form (under a single key).  The second part of this talk is a result of ours.  We show that it is possible to convert any single-key FHE scheme into a multi-key (or even multi-scheme) FHE scheme.  Such schemes allow clouds to process data that are encrypted under different keys or even different encryption schemes.  For example, consider the well-known Yao’s millionaires problem.  Suppose two numbers x and y are encrypted as cx and cy by different schemes (and/or under different keys).  We can decide if x < y by directly processing the ciphertexts cx and cy without decrypting them.  This talk is accessible (I hope) to those without much background in cryptography.
