AU Enters the Lists of the Best Universities in 2020 Asia University Rankings by THE reports

  • 2020-06-30
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AU Enters the Lists of the Best Universities in 2020 Asia University Rankings by THE reports---

The THE report of 2020 University Rankings in Asia reveals that Asia University is ranked No. 146 in the world and No. 10 in Taiwan.

The UK Times Higher Education (THE) magazine published the 2020 University Rankings in Asia recently, revealing both the China Medical University (CMU) and Asia University (AU) enter the listing of the top-300 universities. Accordingly, the CMU is ranked No. 89 in Asia, No. 5 in Taiwan, as well as No. 2 of the private universities in Taiwan, while AU is ranked No. 146 in Asia, No. 10 in Taiwan, and No. 3 of private universities in Taiwan. Moving up by 69 places in the list this year, AU is the university with the greatest improvement in Taiwan.

The 2020 Asia University Rankings include 489 universities from 30 countries and regions across Asia, in which 19 Taiwanese universities enter the top 300 universities. Since 2014, AU has been selected annually an internationally prestigious college announced by several famous-known reports, including the THE World University Rankings, the QS World University Rankings, and the U.S. News & World Reports. “AU is now one of the few private Taiwanese universities to enter these rankings, and will continue to work as hard as we can to make AU proud,” said Prof. Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, the President of AU.

President Tsai said also that three years ago, AU Hospital was founded to provide essential medical cares and services to local people. Moreover, AU established various centers, such as the Precision Medical Center, the AI College, and the AI Research Center, to cooperate with the China Medical University Hospital, the College of Medical & Health Science at AU, and the College of Information & Electrical Engineering at AU, showing that AU drives innovations in clinical medicine and life science researches. As a result, particularly in the area rankings of clinical science, pre-clinical, and health achievements, AU jumped to the 461th position in the top 500 of the THE World University Rankings. This puts AU in the top spot in Taiwan as well as in the world.

In term of international prestige, Prof. Ying-Huei Chen, the Dean of International College at AU, emphasized that by promoting international mobility and internships abroad, a total of 1,056 international students from 28 countries were attracted to study at AU. Also, nearly 1,000 AU students participated in several international activities like exchange programs and internships, competitions, and volunteer programs. In the next year, more than 340 AU students will be offered the opportunities for study abroad and internships to enhance their global experiences and international competitive capabilities.